富永 真琴 / 特任教授
Makoto Tominaga
/ Specially Appointed Professor

1984年に愛媛大学医学部を卒業して、数年間循環器医をした後、医学博士号取得を期に基礎医学の道に進む。1996年にアメリカ カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校のDavid Julius(2021年ノーベル生理学医学書受賞)研究室でカプサイシン受容体TRPV1の遺伝子クローニングと機能解析に携わった。1999年に帰国し、2000年に三重大学生理学第一講座教授、2004年に生理学研究所教授。定年退職後、2024年4月から現職。
He worked as a cardiologist for several years after graduating Ehime University School of Medicine in 1984. He entered the basic science research field upon obtaining a Ph.D. in Kyoto University School of Medicine. He was involved in the cloning and functional characterization of capsaicin receptor TRPV1 in 1997 with Dr. David Julius who received a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (2021) in California University at San Francisco, the United States.
He became a professor of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology in Mie University School of Medicine in 2000 after returning to Japan in 1999. He became a professor of National Institute for Physiological Sciences in 2004.
He moved to Nagoya City University in April, 2024 as a specially appointed professor after retirement.
岩田 萌 / 特任助教
Moe Iwata
/ Assistant Professor

She graduated Meijo University School of Pharmacy in 2017. And then she entered Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya University, and worked under the supervision of Dr. Fumitaka Osakada in Laboratory of Cellular Pharmacology. She worked on the creation of novel viruses and their vectorization for the neuroscience research. She became a postdoctoral researcher upon obtaining a Ph.D. in Nagoya University in May, 2024, and became an assistant professor in August.